Category Archives: News

Bizzell Develops Medscape Article on the Interactions Between Dementia, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) has recently developed an article, published on Medscape, which explores the interactions between dementia, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.  The article, Bidirectional Impact of Alzheimer’s Disease and Common Comorbid Conditions, is available as an online CME activity and was developed under a contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in collaboration with the HHS, Office of Women’s Health.

It is intended for primary care providers, neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatricians, and other health care team members and addresses the complexities of treating patients with Alzheimer’s disease and common coexisting conditions, specifically cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes (T2D).

These comorbidities can impact the severity and progression of the disease and require individualized, patient-centered approaches and thoughtful medical reasoning. The module discusses common challenges and considerations in the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and T2D or CVD.  Useful diagnostic tools, guidelines, and patient resources are provided.

Bizzell CEO Appointed to CSAP National Advisory Council

In recognition of his extensive expertise in substance abuse prevention and treatment, Anton Bizzell, M.D., CEO of The Bizzell Group (Bizzell), has been appointed by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to serve on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) National Advisory Council. Dr. Bizzell’s appointment is effective through November 2018.

CSAP leads the development of national substance abuse prevention policies and programming, promotes the adoption of proven, science-based substance abuse prevention approaches and helps states and communities build their capacity to implement these approaches. As a member of the CSAP National Advisory Council, Dr. Bizzell will support this mission by making recommendations on agency and center activities and policies, in addition to reviewing grant and cooperative agreement submissions. “It’s a great honor and responsibility to work at a national level to help states and communities find proven and practical ways to prevent substance abuse and reduce the impact this disease has on individuals, families and communities,” said Dr. Bizzell.

Since earning his Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Virginia, Dr. Bizzell has spent the majority of his career working to improve access and quality of care issues for people experiencing substance abuse, mental illness or complicating health issues. He has more than 20 years of combined clinical, research, health services, policy and management experiences with various private and public organizations, including his service as a Medical Officer at both the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH, and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, SAMHSA. Dr. Bizzell has also provided leadership to projects of national significance including CSAP’s Prevention Fellowship Program, SAMHSA’s Federal Drug Free Workplace Technical Support contract, and SAMHSA’s Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse project.

Bizzell Group Opens Atlanta Office

The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) announces the opening of its Atlanta office.  Our new location, just minutes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) campus, will enable close collaboration and rapid response to our federal clients in the southern region, including the CDC.

“Our company’s growth will provide more opportunities to expand our work portfolio and global reach through our partnerships with the CDC and other clients on issues such as infectious disease, chronic disease, birth defects, and emergency preparedness,” said Anton Bizzell, M.D., CEO of Bizzell.

With a niche in healthcare, research and communications, Bizzell is committed to advancing knowledge and expanding access to the technology and information needed to build healthy, secure, and connected communities nationally and globally.

Our portfolio includes designing and implementing IT solutions, developing evidence-based research studies and policy reports, delivering expert technical assistance and training, and producing social awareness campaigns and conferences.

Bizzell is staffed by highly experienced project directors; experts in health, mental health, and social programs; scientists; meeting  planners; and IT professionals with extensive experience supporting federal agencies and partners.

Bizzell Supports the Nation’s Efforts on Emerging Behavioral Healthcare Trends

The Bizzell Group (Bizzell) is pleased to kick off our second year of support to the Office of the Director (OD) for the Center for Mental Health Services within the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). CMHS leads federal efforts to improve the quality and availability of prevention and treatment services for behavioral health disorders. To date, Bizzell has provided in-depth research and writing on current and emerging behavioral healthcare trends and practices in various media including speeches, blogs, PowerPoint presentations, white papers, reports, and issue briefs. Bizzell has also offered editorial and design support, meeting and retreat facilitation, leadership coaching, staff development and business process analyses.

Moving forward, Bizzell will deliver the same high quality services and offer our collective expertise in a wide range of behavioral health topics. These include evidence-based behavioral health and wellness practices, effective intervention and treatment strategies for people with serious mental illnesses, primary and behavioral healthcare integration and financing, homelessness services, mental health and recovery promotion, and cultural competency. “It’s been an honor to support CMHS’ essential mission to promote better healthcare and wellness for adults and children who experience mental illnesses,” said Anton Bizzell, M.D., CEO for Bizzell. “Given that nearly 20% of Americans experience a diagnosable mental illness each year, effective and accessible treatment and prevention services are crucial. Bizzell looks forward to continuing to promote CMHS’ vital initiatives by providing customized consultation services and subject matter expertise to CMHS in the areas of program and resource development, as well as business operations.” With a niche in healthcare, research and communications, Bizzell is committed to supporting initiatives like these that build healthy communities and individuals.